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Topic: New to FC


Started using FC last night. You guys really helped point me in the right direction. Every LU cashed.

Thats good to hear, we cant guarantee you success every night, but we do try our best to help in every way we can. You did it, we just helped a little. Congrats!

I just signed up. I had a couple heart attacks over the last few months. Needed something to supplement my income. I started playing DFS. I have done ok in the NBA well mostly break even or grinding out an existence like Knish at the chesterfield.the thing I found out is that I suck at MLB I mean I have a lot of time on my hands and I have used all my "beginner" games at draftkings without finishing in the money once. I mean not one dollar. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I may be the worst MLB DFS player in history. Thanks in advance