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Topic: Highest Average Lineup


A feature I would like to see, perhaps as an additional tab alongside ceiling and floor, would be which lineups average the highest point total.

I see that when a lineup is generated, it shows that particular lineups average as well as its projection for that day, so I would like to see that average score turned into its own category. Most of the time I see that the average is around 250 to 260 and sometimes a little higher. I'm curious to see if any possible lineup combinations average something higher than that.

I love the site, keep up the great work!

That should be easy enough to add. I think I had intended to do that, and just overlooked it.


Can we get a simple button that removes all previous locks? I dont want to remove them from the pool I just want to unlock all locked playyers with 1 click rather thn have to manually unlock each player when Im starting over. And awesome stuff, cant believe we get to use this for least for now