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Topic: recrunch after lineup lock


With late swap back, it would be great if there was an easier way to recrunch lineups to take advantage of injury news. Currently you have to manually edit the pool and take note of multi-position players in order to successfully recrunch. This can take too mcuh time especially when its minutes left until the next games lock.

With late swap back, it would be great if there was an easier way to recrunch lineups to take advantage of injury news. Currently you have to manually edit the pool and take note of multi-position players in order to successfully recrunch. This can take too mcuh time especially when its minutes left until the next games lock.

I agree completely. This will be a big part of my decision when it comes to renewing my membership for the rest of the NBA season. Hopefully there is an update soon that will address this. It would really increase the value of FC.