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Topic: Allow sort in 'My Lineups'


Is it possible to allow sorting in the my lineups page, or even by deafult to group lineups from different sites together so DK lineups are seperate from FD lineups as an example?


yes, this will be coming in an update very soon.

Nice! Can;t wait for the new update. definitely loving the cruncher :)

I had another couple of ideas for the my lineups page.

1. Can historical lineups show 'Actual Score' This would help when looking back at saved lineups from previous days. Instead of flipping back and forth between lineup rewind and my lineups it could all happen on one page.

2. Maybe pushing it a little but can saved lineups on the my lineups page be edited. I run 100 lineups, pick the ones I like based on criteria I follow, then edit or tweak the 10 or so lineups from the 100. Right now I just save them to my lineups page and work it out on paper.