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Topic: Add Stack Size 1 Player For MLB



I would like to see a stack size 1 player under stacking options. Why? Let's say you want to 5 stack on Draftkings, but you do not want to stack the other 3 slots, if you put a stack size of 1 in here, then this will prevent it from stacking the other players in the line up.

Right now, there is no way to do this unless you make a ton of groups for each team. Easier fix is just to have a stack size of 1.


There is a workaround now that would require less work than making a bunch of groups. Let's say you wanted to stack the Yankees and have three individual hitters from any other team. You would set the stack for the Yankees at 5 and then in advanced options you would switch all other teams to a max player of 1. That would give you five Yankees and three hitters from another team. You may have to adjust some teams to 2 depending on your pitchers. If you wanted to stack more than one team you would do the same process and just merge the crunches.

This is an issue I am going to try and address in our next update. The one thing about stacking teams, it's not forcing an exact number, its actually making sure it has At Least that many players. For example, you can make a stack of 3 players, then either lock in 4, or make 4 guys from 1 team projected for 100 and you will see it will use all 4 even though the stack size is set to 3. Because of this, making stacks of 1 would have no impact.

That's great news. Really helpful.