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Topic: jimmy quinella knocks off maxdalury head 2 head


12/30 fanduel NBA

nice job taking out a legend.


I play him from time to time in the $25 h2h, last night he crushed everyone with his lineup (He had to have made 500k last night)

Other than that, I enjoy a h2h with him..he makes some predictable safe plays. (Unlike some that can make crazy plays)

I am doing well this NBA season, thanks to FC of course! (use it every single day)

Well done, I knocked off Condia once in a contest h2h where he poached the guy who didnt get his lineup set in time. I contacted DK and asked them how the random guy I was playing turned into Condia and they told me that if the player didnt have his lineup set in time for the contest to start that someone else could poach it. I ended up beating him by a few points thanks in part to a nice night from CP3. Do you have any advice on how you construct lineups Jimmy? I am trying to get better at hoops.