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Topic: "My Lineups" UX


I am very new to Fantasy Cruncher. It does, in fact, save me a lot of time. My one request is this:

The "My Lineups" page is very clunky. I would like to be able to sort my lineups by name, date, site, etc. (automatically or manually). The option of a csv export or a table version of every lineup from the day would be very helpful. Thanks

Agreed. I would love to see some more features added to my LU page such as:

1. Ability to see the exposure % of the players in your my lu page
2. Ability to use all the export to FD/DK features that are available from the crunch runs

Agreed. This is something on my todo list, I think it can be flushed out to be a lot more than what it is now. I have gotten tied up doing other things the past couple of weeks or it probably would have happened sooner. I will start working on this soon.

(the other dave) has taken some lumps over the last couple weeks, but one thing is for sure, he cares about the customer.
i fell in love with this product when it had about 14 bells and whistles, now it has about 127.
thanks to all the staff for constantly improving the product.