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Topic: Lightning fast


I didn't see anyone mention this, but the projections manager has been like lightning for the past 3 days since you optimized the code. Well done! It's critical for this part of the site to perform this well when so much news breaks right before lock.

Thanks for noticing! Yeah, it should be much faster as it is designed for mass uploads now, where previously it was just uploading each player individually. I am working on moving our entire application into Amazon Web Services, and plan on doing some horizontal scaling on demand, but its going to take some time to re write parts of the code that would not currently work scaled out. Once that is all complete, we should be able to scale out with the traffic that is using the site at any given time and be able to support any number of users with virtually no difference in site performance.

AWS is the way to go, we moved our purchasing platform from self hosted to Amazon about a year ago for the exact same reason. Not one call since about performance hiccups :)!