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Topic: Build lineup based only on exposure


I want to generate lineups from the players in my pool based on the exposure numbers I set for the players and not their projected points. I try setting the projected points to zero but the players disappear. What's the best way to solve this issue?

I have what I think is a related question. Maybe the same question. Let's say I have a pool of players that I want exposure to when creating my GPP lineups. Right now exposure sets the maximum allowable %, but I would like to suggest that we add a MINIMUM exposure as well.

Obviously if I have a player that I want in half of my lineups I can figure out a way to do that pretty easily. I can lock him and run half of my total lineups and then exclude him from the rest. Or I can set his exposure to 50% and (assuming he has great projections) he'll end up in half of my lineups.

But what if I have 15 players across multiple positions that I want no less than 25% exposure to? I would like to be able to run my lineups knowing that none of my top players will be excluded. I played with the exposure and like/dislike options for at least an hour today trying to accomplish this very thing and could NOT figure out a way to get it done.

Is it possible to expand exposure to include both a minimum and a maximum setting? I think this would be a huge improvement to the current exposure setting, which is great in itself, but it's still quite limiting because it only sets the maximum % when many of us who run multiple GPP entries would benefit from a minimum setting as well.


Set player's expected points equal to their salary. Or salary divided by 100. Or similar. Then be sure to increase the # of unique players per lineup.
I do stuff like this all the time.