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One other thing would a more detailed offense vs defense selection. Would like to be able to just exclude defense vs QB since that has the biggest impact. Not allowing any offense vs defense is limiting and allowing X number of players on offense vs defense is too vague.

Good suggestion. Also adding option for "No QB/RB" should be easy and would be helpful. The rotogrinder lineup maker has that and that tool is free.

Also, not counting defense as a player from a team (or the option to enable that). When creating lineups it would be much easier to just say 0 to 1 players from every team (except for an indicated stack) and not have to worry about the defense being considered a player. When stacking sometimes you have to allow for up to 3 players from a team if you have that team's defense in your pool and then there are double stacks and stacks+RB's that you have to go though and manually exclude.

I want to generate lineups from the players in my pool based on the exposure numbers I set for the players and not their projected points. I try setting the projected points to zero but the players disappear. What's the best way to solve this issue?