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Topic: My Lineups


1. Can you add a "delete all" option to this page?
2. Can you add an option to export all of my lineups for the day to excel or a csv file?


I will add these to the list. I am working on some new additions to that page as well as a way to use the new policies from FD and DK regarding scripting.

Great.... That's exactly why I was looking for a way to download to them.

I figured I'd use the All Star break to write a simple AHK to input lineups. I'm sure you'll come up with something better though. Thanks.

I will add these to the list. I am working on some new additions to that page as well as a way to use the new policies from FD and DK regarding scripting.

The export to FD/DK has been great. I'd still love to be able to export to csv. (in case this isn't on the list anymore)