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Topic: Ca we please get an update its now 6:20!!!???


I have to enter multiple lu's an d its hard when you guys wait until the last minute to update. I want to be a member on this site for a long time but its hard to do that when I do not know when the last update will be. I think you guys should have a update schedule to follow so that your memebers know when the last update will occur.

I have enjoyed using FC so far...but I fail to see the point of paying for it when it doesn't get updated regularly and/or routinely throughout the day.

C'mon, guys.

yup... if this keeps up, paying customers will be leaving left and right

They just lost 1 customer right here.

i dont blame you...complete bs

Paul Milsap going in two lineups. Thanks for the updates.

I'm about to leave this site also.

If I don't win money because of Milsap, I want a free month. I would also like an explanation on why there were no updates from 2:00 to 7:00. I was at dinner and used this site as my source for info. Should have been smarter and went on Twitter, but I am not paying a monthly fee to Twitter.

I do apologize, I have left an explanation in this thread:

We appreciate each and every one of our customers and I would like to see this made right. If you lost money playing tonight due to a Fantasy Cruncher lineup, please let me know via []email[/email] and we can figure out a way to make it right.
