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Topic: NBA - Clear my data


On the upload screen, there is no way to clear all of the data I've uploaded. You can clear all rows, but that only clears the table, it doesn't clear the underlying data.

Can we get a "Clear My Data" link that will remove all projections, exposures, and any other custom columns we've created?


Here is how to do what you are looking to do. In the upload projections window, you can delete any columns of data you have setup:

Just click the add/remove columns, then click the x on the column you wish to remove. You will need to refresh the page after adding/removing any columns of data.

You can remove your custom projections all at once using the action menu at the bottom of the page.

To remove any exposures or randomness you may have set, you will want to go into advanced options and change the exposure back to 100% and click "Change All Players". Then you can just turn randomness off as seen in the picture below to get rid of randomness.

Hopefully this helps, We may look into a "reset everything" in the future, but this is how it can be done for now.

Thank you. "Remove My Projections" on the Action tab is what I specifically wanted, so that's great.