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Topic: LU Processing Speed


I have noticed that using my PC/Laptop/Android, there are major differences in calculating LUs.
My question is will it make a huge difference having a Intel Core i7-5820K vs my rusty old Q6600?

Improving your computer will help with many things. One of the expensive things is the loading of the player tables, and even generating the lineup cards. I'm not sure if just a processor upgrade will do the trick but certainly will help.

Yes, the processing of lineups is done client side. This allows us to scale infinitely without other users slowing you down personally. I would recommend upgrading, and you will definitely see a nice speed improvement.

so you're saying a commodore 64 with 28k modem running on a netscape browser is not the optimal situation.
just kicking it old school. LOL

Yeah, basically the faster your machine is, the faster FC works. This works out well usually, since if you are used to a fast machine, you should have a fast experience on FC and if you are used to playing PONG then, I guess you have a lot of patience.

geez, the fact that i played pong before i even graduated high school makes me feel really old now.