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Topic: Displaying 'My Lineups'


It would be useful if there was an easier way to view a listing of many lineups in 'My Lineups'.

Sometime like a collapsable grid, the top level (header) shows a listing of players last names, and the total projected, average, floor, and ceiling for the team, then when you expand the row it shows the data per player.
It would also be helpful to be able to sort this grid based on all of the different total scores. This will make it easier to set up teams for GPP/Cash Game play.

This view would also be useful when generated lineups so that users do not need to scroll through so much when generating many lineup derivations.

These enhancements, combined with the ability to name your lineups would be incredibly helpful in my daily research.

working on this now

To add to this. I would love to see maybe a % of all the lineups you built on each player?

Is this possible?

Let's say I create 50 lineups, I would love to see an ownership % of each guy through those 50 LU's.

to add to this
also to be able to sort by site in the my lineups page