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Very useful features.
Thank You!

My understanding is that this is intended to be a tool to use to assist you in your own research, not to entirely replace your own research.

It would be useful if there was an easier way to view a listing of many lineups in 'My Lineups'.

Sometime like a collapsable grid, the top level (header) shows a listing of players last names, and the total projected, average, floor, and ceiling for the team, then when you expand the row it shows the data per player.
It would also be helpful to be able to sort this grid based on all of the different total scores. This will make it easier to set up teams for GPP/Cash Game play.

This view would also be useful when generated lineups so that users do not need to scroll through so much when generating many lineup derivations.

These enhancements, combined with the ability to name your lineups would be incredibly helpful in my daily research.

It would be useful if there was a feature in 'My Lineups' that showed the actual scores that your teams achieved.
It would be even more useful if there was a way to export that data to a spreadsheet. This would allow us to then import that data to other tools.

Data I would like to see included: Actual score, projection, average, floor, ceiling, salary.

Thank you for considering this.

I agree, this would be a useful feature.

Great feature, thank you!