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Topic: Suggestion -- Ability to Add Player To Pool


Saw this on some other site. Don't recall which, but basically, if a player is missing from the pool, have some form that I can load him for my own projections. Require me enter Name, Team, Position(s), Salary, Projection. Doesn't matter if player actually exists.

Obviously this wouldn't work for csv uploads, but you could just put the inputted players name into the csv and then we could over write it manually.

Just saves some from panic when in a time crunch.

yeah, I saw that on RG as well. I think we could do that, the idea was to get to a point where its simply not necessary. We typically have all of the players, its just if they are displayed or not. MLB is a little different that the other sports, since we auto update after lineups are released. I will see what I can do though.