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Topic: Tips on speed improvement?


Hey guys as always I LOVE the product!!! I want to make sure its nothing on my end but I am having serious delays when I project 250 lines ups with unique player filters and minimum salary parameters. I realize this will slow down the calculations but it takes my computer a good hour or 2 sometimes longer to hit the 250 lineup mark :( any help is greatly appreciated

It is not just you, it is a serious problem to others as well. Even with only 75-100 lineups, the more and more lineups it creates, it keeps getting slower and slower. There's literally more than 10 secs between each lineup creation. It happens on my desktop at home and my desktop at work, so I know it's not just my computer. FC is almost unusable to me anymore.

Since there are server issues again, I cannot edit my last post. Server error 500. Anyways, what I was going to say was yes, it takes over an hour to do 250 lineups. Then if you you don't like the 250 lineups and want to do thumbs up/down, change exposure, etc and redo it? Another hour plus. That's what I mean by FC is almost unusable.

We are working on overhauling some of our backend code that we hope to have pushed out in the next few days. There should be a decent improvement in speed with this update.