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Topic: PGA


My PGA cruncher is showing no players or information for thursday

Just about to upload now. We try to get the projections up as soon as possible, but we can't put them up prior to DK announcing Salaries, which they did in the last hour.

Oh. My mistake. Thought they had them up for a while. THanks

No worries, they have seem like they have been up later recently. But I think Tuesday morning might be there new default time for posting. So plan on Tuesday by noon PST that we will have the FC projections up going forward.

probably because last weeks tourney didn't finish until monday (and it was a west coast event.)
sometimes players that play on a delayed monday and make good money will opt out of the next tournament because of the short turnaround time.
the guys that didn't finish too high need the money so they don't skip the next event.
sometimes you can get as many as 5 scratches in the next event with a monday finish.