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I'm having same problem with Draftkings right now

Just curious as to why the rules don't apply sometimes. Specifically when I choose to stack a qb/wr with a wr from the other team, it just applies 1 of those rules. What setting am I missing? Thanks

I would like to see a new column added to the top portion of the page (the projections part) that showed actual exposure next to desired exposure. This would allow the user to see the exposure he is getting in relation to his projections. I know it shows this at the bottom but that is much tough to comb thru and spot percentages that you need to work on.
Thanks for listening.

Thanks for the help guys. I will keep this in mind moving forward

Quite often when I am changing around projections and percentages etc, then I go to sort a column or some other activity on the page, players will then suddenly disappear from my projections.
For example I may have limited my Pitchers from 24 to 12 then as I play around and sort I will notice now only 10 are listed and i cannot find the other 2. If I refresh the page or close it out and come back, then those missing players will appear again, but it is a bit inconvenient when it happens at inopportune times.
This happens frequently to me. Not sure if this is a problem that has been posted before, but just wanted to bring it up to see if there is a solution to it. Thanks