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I apologize for the rough message. I guess that I was hoping for a more fully fledged product when the site went to a paid service. I think there is value here, but the value is limited when the stats are not updated or complete. Since I have used your site when it was free and saw a lot of great things here, I am going to continue to be a paid subscriber in order to support what you are doing.

Thanks for providing the update. I appreciate it.

I have been using this site for a long time. When this site announced it was going to a paid site, I was supportive and decided to sign up for a subscription. I don't mind paying for a quality site, but it feels like I am paying for a work in progress.

I logged in this morning just to check to see how players did in the rewind tool yesterday. Many of them don't have updated stats. For instance, Alex Ovechkin has no score or value. Phil Kessel has no score or value (well, this is true in reality, but I had to point it out).

Looking back in the rewind tool, it would be helpful if the stats were updated for all players everyday. Seems that in some cases, there are numbers for players on some days and some days where nothing is in there. The stats obviously are important for the tool to work correctly.

What is your plan to improve this down the road?

FYI that Hutchinson is starting today and he isn't listed under the goalies.