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Sounds good. I noticed dailyfantasynerd has columns set up for last 5 games average, last 40 games average, and season average. Something similar from FC would be great!

Could we get the NHL averages to reflect just this season?

Just curious to see if the NHL averages are just for this season only or if they still include last season as well?

Perfect, thank you!

Posted Topic: NHL Averages


Am I right in thinking that the NHL averages are averaged from the beginning of last year? Is there a plan to move it to just this season's averages much like what was done with the NFL DvP?

This is a feature that I'm interested in. Any plans for implementation?

This is still an issue but a temporary fix I found was to go to the game filter and click 'remove all'. When the list is wiped click 'select all' in the game filter. When it repopulates only players that are on the slate today should show up.