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Replied To: Kennys Vargas


Makes sense Dave thanks for the clarification. MLB is a different animal and I'm still learning to get my process down.

Replied To: Kennys Vargas


Not a problem still had a crap morning run. Just want to sort this out mentally for myself going forward. If I import my list into the player manager will it not add players on my list into the pool if they are not there? I guess simply does my list of players have to match your pool of players for me to be able to use them in picking my lineup? Even if I'm using my projections not yours.

Posted Topic: Kennys Vargas


He's not in the player pool but I added him to my custom list so shouldn't he have been moved into the pool? Am I missing something here? Dude is at 13 pts in the bottom of the third. Just want to know how to use the optimizer effectively if we can get a grasp on who is playing and if we import our own projections why are the players missing from your pool not being added.

Replied To: PGA


I would be down for PGA Cruncher!

Posted Topic: MLB Rewind


Date selection not working only showing today.

FC Crew great job on the updates! Thanks for the hard work.

I would also like to see this option. I even suggested it a while back one night after I was working on a lineup and as I was unchecking a bunch of names, my wife goes what the hell are you clicking on. Ha maybe I need to find a quieter mouse.

Posted Topic: Feature request


1. The ability to uncheck a certain team in a match up instead of the current selection of the whole match up.

2. The ability for a select on or unselect/select all on the player in the list.

3. Better mobile formatting. I understand this is an issue with the scaling of the page and the amount of content that is being displayed. So add this one to the wish list, maybe even an dedicated app.

Good work FC can't wait to see this thing grow!