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How do you calculate consistency then. Is a perfect 100 mean they score basically the same each time they play and 0 means they dont?

Knowing the standard deviation of the players score would be really useful when trying ot locate high risk players. Sometimes I want those players (for lineups where I may want to expose myself to high risk) but other times I want to players who are really consistent and therefore their std dev isnt as big.

I dont always use the lineup generator to edit the individual players. Sometimes I'm trying to maximize the statistical model of the overall lineups. For instance I may want lineups that have a max avg > 280 points. It's really hard to find those in the detailed view. I dont really care who is playing just their score. This would make it easier to choose which lineups I want to export.

Would be awesome to have a list view without players. Just have avg, floor, ceiling, proj (and actual on the rewind). Maybe total salary too. You can click on the row and have it fold down to show the team (like a tree grid view).