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oh, i guess typing in the promo code 'FCDRAFT' links you as being affiliated with

so your link is not an affiliate link (for FC)? i can just create a new account directly using main domain link yes?
then deposit $10 and i email you for the $40 bonus bucks?

thanx in advance,

I posted this about three weeks ago and didn't see a reply, so i will post again.

Re: Fanduel Export
by ucdavisballer23 ยป 2015-09-25 15:56:25
Is there a way to replace lineups that you have already exported into Fanduel? For instance if i 50 export lineups in the morning, and then after some injury news and updates, the projected lineups are different. Can the cruncher upload the new lineups and replace the existing ones? It seems like the export can only create a new entry and not edit an existing entry.

This is correct, there is no way currently to replace lineups but it is something we are working on and should have out very soon.[/quote]

i for one, am very, VERY much looking forward to this feature being implemented. after that, maybe a 'blank' CBB/CFB builder? it doesn't need to have 'projections' added, just the DFS site's salaries. that would be awesometabulous!!



would it be possible to have it so that after one 'locks' a player(s), one could then use the 'Table Filters' without it also adjusting/removing one's locked player(s)?


are there future plans in the works to do NHL or even futbol (soccer)?