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Topic: Cruncher just switched to 2/10 and can't open a 2/9 slate


Trying to work in the cruncher for the single game slate tonight at 10:30. I was just working on it, and the site automatically switched all slates to 2/10 and now the slate is unavailable. I tried switching the URL back to the correct date and it doesn't work.

Any help? Needs to be fast before it's too late and I can't cancel.

OK. I'm cancelling my lineups since this isn't working. No worries. Hopefully next time FC won't switch over to the next day until all of the current day's slates are started.

Our system was set up to roll over when the first game of the last two games of the night started as previously you needed two games for a slate. We will get this fixed moving forward and I have adjusted the one game slate back for you to make lineups.