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Topic: exposure for stacking


Is it possible to get exposure settings for stacks?

Currently when generating multiple lineups with stacks, I will choose my stack teams. then set the global exposure to 20 - 30%. This will give me multiple stacks to choose from but also has the side effect where the filler players have low exposure making later stacks have worse and worse players.

With exposure for stacks I can generate 50 lineups with the stacks I would like and filler players that follow the individual player exposure rules.

hope that makes sense.

Yes, that makes perfect sense. There is a temporary solution, which has good side effects, you can raise the exposure values of a few select players higher than their teammates which will isolate them as high value players which you would want a filler as opposed to players you'd only want in a stack. Stack exposure can probably be done but it might get very confusing as it can easily conflict with player exposure and the interactions between the two may not be clear for new users. As we add more and more features, this is always a concern.

Ohhhh so basically give 2 or 3x bumps to players that are actually part of my stack pool? If I am reading that right, then that could help. I'll give it a shot this weekend.

Another suggestion would be access to beta/advanced features. With terms you have to accept before using going over the risks and how only the end user is responsible for the lineups that are crunched. :)

I don't know what you mean by bumps (not projections I hope), I meant increase the exposure for the players you may want as fillers as well as in stacks.

I tried by using the thumbs up/down on the player pool but that did not achieve the desired effect. It did get me closer to the kind of lineups I wanted. My Miami/Col combo was lethal last night. :)

Today I'll try this:-
Choose my stack teams in the advanced window.
Filter out all other teams and 'change viewable' exposure to 20 - 30%
Remove filter so now I have all stack players at low% with non-stack players at 80 - 100%