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Topic: What lineup building process do you use?


I have been using the tool for a little while now for nfl but almost none for basketball. What lineup building process do you guys use for nba? I am a big cash game person. Now due to my new job I am home later than usual so I can only play small slates such as express and late night, would cash be the best game selection still? If so what process would you guys use to build the team with the lineup?

Thank You

I typically use this tool to build my lineups based off the players I want exposure to. Like any other projection based tool....I really don't pay attention to the numbers projected....its just a projection. i will admit that I do look at them though....sometimes there's a player projected kinda high....usually because of more minutes due to injury or something and maybe I missed it.

This is just my opinion....but one of the biggest downfalls is being all over the place with exposure to too many players..I've always believed in limiting my list depending on the slate...and hoping that I get the right combo together