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Terrance west is missing from DK week 13 in the optimizer. Does the cruncher try to include ALL players that are eligible in DK? I had a similar problem last week with J.J. Nelson. Also would like to note that my projections are set to show ALL players, regardless of projected points so that is not the issue, as stated last week. I wouldn't be so nitpicky, however, my strategy involves including almost every single relevant player playing this weekend, so missing a single player could cost me a lot of money. I love this product, and it's made me over 14k profit these last 2 months since I started using it, but this has been a recurring issue. Thank you in advance.

P.S. This issue occurred with Lundqvist on Thu or Wed where his backup wasn't showing either until someone brought it up in the forums. He ended up scoring decently. Is the player pool set to include every player on DK or players fantasycruncher deems to be active/worthwhile? If the latter, it seems that kind of scraping lends itself to potential disaster for some of us, especially in a game theory point of view. I'd prefer that the optimizer show EVERY player, regardless of projected points/minutes/etc, and I am not sure if you've been considering that. Thank you again.