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Topic: When playing the NBA Slate how many unique players should I select?


When playing the NBA Slate how many unique players should I select in the advance option section? Should I use 1 2 3 6 8 ? Could someone explain this to me!

Depends on how many lineups you're making. In the end you probably care about diversity, not particularly uniqueness. Similarly to exposure, uniqueness creates really bad lineups if you're making a lot of lineups. For example: a player pool of 160 and a uniqueness of 8 (if max players per lineup is 8) will have a maximum of 20 lineups, and after the first few, the rest will be absolute trash. It is a very restrictive constraint, the more lineups you make the faster the quality of lineups decline.

I don't know the exact number, perhaps other users can chime in, but if you're making 100 lineups, I wouldn't go very high.