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Topic: Salary Cap Error


I keep getting this error " Could not find any teams under the salary cap with the selected players" however all teams and players are selected and none of them are locked. I am not allowed to generate any lineups period. Please Help!!

I am getting this same error on the LU Rewind. Cannot generate any lineups. Not having the issue on the LU Cruncher, just the Rewind.


I am getting this same error on the LU Rewind. Cannot generate any lineups. Not having the issue on the LU Cruncher, just the Rewind.


Same here. Not sure what could be causing since I am able to get the projected teams but not the actual scores.

Pretty sure it's because the actual scores haven't been input, therefore when you try to run the rewind based on actual scores, there's no data to run it from. Once the actual scores get input, you'll be able to run the rewind successfully.