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Topic: Failed lineup exports


I ran into a pretty major problem today. Had many different lineups loaded up on different tabs as there is currently no way to save your lineups and export into the site in the future. When I went to export these hundreds of lineups a couple failed for some reason. To be honest I have no idea why as they were legal. However, the big problem is that once the lineups failed to export it wouldn't allow me to export any more lineups from this page which is where all my lineups were stored. This essentially wasted all the lineups that I had created, had to start over from scratch in a small amount of time, couldn't get as many lineups etc. Can you look into this issue if there is a way to reset the export options after a failed export to allow exports to continue or if there was something wrong with my computer how I can avoid it in the future? Thanks.

under export tools, click "all" followed by "none" you can then run the export again without re-crunching from scratch.