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Topic: Percentage usage of a single player


Is there any way (or could one be worked in?) to limit the amount of times a single player can be used, to say, 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of your lineups? For example, creating 25 lineups and it using a single pitcher in 100% of the lineups. I don't want to mortgage my entire night's money on a single pitcher. I've gone up as far as 6 unique players and that seems to keep most other players down to about 60% usage or less, but the single pitcher at 100% remains.

We're looking into automating something like this but what I would recommend is to simply just lock in a single pitcher, run a crunch, then unlock and lock another pitch and run another crunch. Separate calculations are now saved as multiple tabs and you can see the difference in lineups.

any update on this?