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Topic: I was wondering if this is possible...


So lets say you have a pool of about 35 players you like for the day, so you select them for your pool and leave everyone else out. Would it be possible to have those 35 players be crunched into a lineup that is not basing it off of just FC or my projections but complete randomness? If there is a way to create lineups with FC that are completely random I would like to know how. I am interested in the concept of this. I have tried setting the projections to make everything even but I am not sure if it is working correctly or not. I will try either putting a -0, 0 or a - for every player and see what it comes up with.


that should work, by putting the same score for all players it should not discriminate between them. However the idea of "random" is not really possible. I do not know how their formula works, but if everything is even it probably defaults to alphabetical order or something. What I suggest is do what you are doing but then play with the advanced options and change the unique player setting around, by default it is 1. Using one it would probably use the same two SG, PG, PF, SF, and change the center once each time, until you have used all of them then switch some other position etc... even with a pool of 35 people you are going to have more than the max 500 teams.

ps. why are you doing this? maybe if you explain we could try to help further...

Well I have a pretty big bankroll from this past NBA season (mostly from using Fantasy Cruncher btw) and I wouldnt mind investing 500 lineups into a gpp someday using a player pool that I feel comfortable with. My hope is to find that 1 lineup in the 500 that would possibly win a huge gpp. I entered 200 lineups back in February using fantasy cruncher's highest cieling and ended up getting 4th/86k on fanduel. And I was thinking maybe if the lineups just spit out the players random based on filling the team alone that 1 of the 500 would hit it big using the players I wanted to use.

So pretty much the plan was to enter 500 lineups one day and see what happens. Which is also why I asked to see 500 projected lineups in the Rewind Tool also.

I think that if you just shrunk a player pool to around 35, set a minimum salary, ran for 500 lineups and still used projections, you'd get enough variety, if you saw a player being used too much, just lower the projection until they reach a % ownership you are comfortable with. A little warning though: managing 500 lineups is hell in NBA with last minute news.