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Topic: Stacking consecutive batters from same team


This would be a step further than the typical team stack for offense of players for baseball. Is there a way to ensure stacking of consecutive batters in the batting order? Or is this something you could look into adding as a feature? I believe it would help to amplify the stacking effect. Such as when a player in your stack gets an RBI during an at bat, you know you are also more likely getting the run scored by the player preceding him in the batting order.

For example: Adding the batting order number as a data column, and then enforcing a rule that would only allow batters from the same team to be stacked if they are in consecutive order with each other.

So instead of getting stacks with the 1,3,6,8 batters in a lineup for instance, you could ensure that you will always get 1,2,3,4 or 2,3,4,5 or 8,9,1,2 etc. instead.

Is this possible or is there a way to already do it?


Just wanted to bump this topic. I think the potential is tremendous if this feature could be added for next year mlb. It’s a similar concept to why this site has limiting options to stack NHL players from the same line shift.