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Topic: Team Stack Exposure Upload


First, I want to thank FC for a great product, I started using it two weeks ago and my ROI in that time has been 40% thanks to a 1st place finish in my first week of MME GPPs. I created an exposure formula that seems to work well for me and does most of the heavy lifting itself, I get the desired player spread I want, and am very happy with how simple it is to upload projections and exposure rates.

In the past week, I created a formula for team stacking exposure rates, so I can get to some more contrarian stacks automatically. It was then when I found out that it is not as easy to import team exposure rates. With some of the slates having 30 teams to adjust for; copying, finding, and pasting the proper exposure rate seems to be a bit sluggish and prone to error. So my feature request is that we can get a copy and paste function, much like the projections uploader, but for team's exposure rates. While I'm at it, there should be a way to import player exposure rates in mass without affecting their projections, it seems you must submit a projection for players to adjust using the projection uploader.

These features would help stream-line my process nicely so that I can crunch seconds before lock, I hope you consider them! :)
