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Topic: Why FC is going towards a paid subscription service 1/4/14


If you haven't checked your email or seen the popup on the lineup cruncher page..:

Hopefully this does a good job of explaining why, and why this can be a good thing for you guys.

Don't forget the second part of that - retweet for a chance to receive a free lifetime subscription!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to voice them here.

Only problem I have with paying is that the cruncher does not update constantly during that last crucial hour before lineup lock on fan duel for NBA. This to me is an absolute must because whoever wins these GPP's usually makes those last minute adjustments.

Just an FYI...

Sometimes when I upload my own projections some of the players get deleted even if I enter their names in exactly as you originally have them.

I have had absolutely no luck uploading projections. I am actually fine with FC projections but NBA fanduel you need constant updates all the way up until lock.

My biggest issue is lack of updates near tip-off. Other paid subscription services offer both a optimizer and literally update up to the last minute. Most of their updates are within 3 minutes of any news breaking.

With a lack of last minute updates the projections are not really useful. I am more than willing to pay for the service if I can be confident in the projections.