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Replied To: CBB


I was also just about to ask this, it looks like its confirmed that CBB is returning:

Still a bit unclear on the randomness feature. Does it "re-randomize" a players projection after each individual lineup is generated or does it do a one time "randomization" at the beginning of each round of lineup generation.

Took first place in below GPP, with $1500 as first place, using FC logo!

Hmm yea, I know that they break players down % for their ease, e.g. 40% SF, 40% SG, etc. I think they have moved to using only this years data, still seems odd that some of them are vastly different.

Maybe I'll look at it more. The most blatant example today is Vucevic. They have it as an extremely low matchup ease, where FC has it as a very positive dvp.

Adding on to this, any idea why your DvP numbers seems to vary significant in many cases from BBM? I've seen it be as wide to you guys having it as a top 3 difficult matchup and BBm having an ease over .5

Posted Topic: Slow


Has FC gotten way slower for anyone else? I remember when it first came out at the beginning of NBA season it was lightning fast. Now it stutters when initially loading player list and when generating lineups, etc

I don't think this got answered last time I asked. Is there anyway you could provide which sources you aggregate NHL projections from? I wanted to take a look at some different projections, but didn't want to double count thing if they are already used in FC aggregate.

Thanks! Is there anyway you could say which projections you currently use? I don't want to double count some.

Posted Topic: NHL Scoring


I was looking to get more into NHL. I was wondering about the projections. Are they just taken from somewhere else or is there an actual system behind them?

My biggest issue is lack of updates near tip-off. Other paid subscription services offer both a optimizer and literally update up to the last minute. Most of their updates are within 3 minutes of any news breaking.

With a lack of last minute updates the projections are not really useful. I am more than willing to pay for the service if I can be confident in the projections.