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Topic: order of lines


i believe the the lines calculated were ranked on highest my projections. but now they are running 1. 293 2. 304 3. 289 4. 292.
am i missing something on the settings or is this just the way it is now?

This can be the case if you are using different exposures for players, and will be different based on if you are using exposure by group or exposure by each setting in the advanced options.

Basically, if you have a stud projected for 100 pts, and he is in the first lineup, but because of the exposure limits, he cant be in #2, but then he can be in #3 you would see #3 have more points projected than #2.

This can also happen but to a slightly smaller degree if you are using a lot of thumbs up / thumbs down. The algorithm takes the thumbs into account but the display of points will be based on the players normal projection.

Hopefully this helps explain where the discrepancy comes from.

that makes sense. thanks for the reply