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Topic: LU Rewind - "Last Update"


Hey fellas,

While researching the LU Rewind, I'm seeing some days where the "Last Update" for the night is AFTER the Games have locked. I know you guys constantly update this thing so I was wondering if there was a way you could give us options to pick which "update" we want to pull the rewind from?

Basically, I'm researching and tracking how well the "default" lineups are doing in the the 4 settings you have, and I need the LU Rewind to generate the same lineups that it generates pre lock, but only the next day when we can see the "actual scores"

Also, if you could get "actual scores" to show up in the "saved lineups" then this wouldn't be a huge deal to me as I could check the lineup results that way without having to use the rewind feature.