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Topic: final countdown to the NBA season


is it just me or is that commercial with the song "final countdown" rolling around in your head and you can't make it stop?
so i wasn't using fantasycruncher last NBA season and everyone on here seems to have done quite well using it last year.
since i have spreadsheets of stats on my nightly scores for different systems i use, i decided to compare notes using lineup rewind.
now, it's a small sample using april regular season and 1st round of the playoffs but...
the median score for my top system was 260.25 on draftkings during that time frame.
after running lineup rewind with my mix of players on fantasycruncher the median score was 266.40
6 points is a huge improvement even on the sample size.
i'm looking forward to good things this season.
keep up the good work cruncher team!!