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Topic: New NBA Fanduel Format


For Fanduel’s new NBA full roster format, they drop the lowest score on the lineup and only the top 8 count.

Could fantasy cruncher have a feature to optimize a 9 player lineup with the top 8 scorers counting towards the total score only? This could be a good way to account for the fanduel change.

Anyone? This is going to be critical for NBA. 8 days away!

You can already do this. Just lock in a min priced guy. This will optimize the other 8 players.

What you may want to do is make a group of all the min priced guys that are projected highest and then set the group to always use exactly 1 of those players, so it’s not always the same guy. The min priced guy could be used in the lineup potentially. I think it’s going to depend on the slate, as sometimes you are going to be playing those guys anyway.

I think what is going to happen is this format is really going to promote stars & scrubs lineups. We haven’t figured out exactly what this will do, or exactly the way to best take advantage of the format.

Luckily we do have a good relationship with FanDuel so we knew this change was coming a month ago. One other thing we know, which hopefully I’m not in the wrong sharing, this change may or may not be permanent. They are testing it out but are willing to roll back if it is not successful.