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Topic: Downside for Randomness


Right now, for Randomness selection we can add a degree of randomness that I assume does the following: Player Projection * degree of randomness per each calculation. Right now, I assume it can be between 0 and your end point.

With the way it works currently, higher projected players will get a greater benefit to randomness than lower projected players because of this.

To counter this, I would like to see a bottom limit imposed as well as a top limit, so you could do the following. Randomness range between -75% and +75%. so a projection of 10 could see a range of outcomes between 2.5 and 17.5. Right now, I assume the range of outcomes would be between 10 and 17.5. Another way to do this would be to automatically impose a negative end point equal to the positive end point instead of just leaving it at 0.

I don't thing this is hugely technical to add, but it would greatly improve the outcomes of using randomness.

Hi there! Since randomness is done with a uniform distribution, you can implement a range from 10 to 17.5 by setting the projection to be 13.75 with randomness of roughly 27%. (3.75/13.75)

Just set the projection to the midpoint of the min and the max values and set the randomness to (mid value-min value)/mid value.

How can I get a negative number though?

If you have randomness over 100%, it is possible to have a negative value. The randomness adjusted projection does not show in the lineup card so you won't see it but in the back-end it can be negative.

For example: if you want someone's score to range from -5 to 15, set the projection at 5, with a randomness of 200%.

I see, so it does post a range from -x randomness to +x randomness, x being the input of the user. correct?
