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Topic: Draftkings NBA/NHL CSV File Error


noticed early Feb... that Draftkings consistently says "File Error" No Valid valid file was provided.
when its comes to uploading CSV lineups. is this an error from Draftkings or FantasyCruncher export lineup features?
This pertains to NBA/NHL lineups.

last NFL season, I had no problems uploading NFL lineups to Drafkings / Fanduel


FC is not experiencing any issues with CSV exporting/importing, so this is something that is only affecting you. Please email so we can help you get this resolved.

I get the FC export CSV files I believe its on DK side more than anything. For now, I have to input the lineups manually.
I will email support if the issue persists. Thanks.

If you email support you can send us a sample file and we can figure it out for you.

Thanks... will email support and try to get this going.