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Topic: MLB stacking rules


there anyway to get stacking rules, like NHL for MLB. ?

Which rules are you talking about specifically? We have team stacking in MLB, which is the most useful. Is there something in particular you are looking for?

I'd love to see a stacking option that incorporates batting order. Like 4 players over 5 batting order positions, or 4 players between batting order positions 1-5. Should incorporate wraparound the batting order.

yeh was more batting order etc... but for mlb, like i do in nhl.. be nice to say you like cubs 2-5 you lock those in, and set exposure settings, so it would give you say 10 different lineups paired with that cub stack. nhl works great cause you can do stacking rules... for some reason i couldn't get the stacking feature to really do what i want it to do for me... maybe i just need to play around with it a bit more..


Yeah, I agree on the need for being able to pick the batting order. I'd love to have a setting where I could pick let's say batters 1-4 for one team and 2-5 from another, etc..