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Topic: Straight to Download


Would it be possible to get a "straight to download" button, where the lineups I generate do not visually display on the screen, but instead go straight to the csv file that gets generated?

Would this allow the query to run and the output (csv) to be generated faster?

Right now, near lock, it can take 5-10 minutes to generate 500 lineups. If the behind-the-scenes query and subsequent csv creation takes, perhaps, 1 minute, than that would be much more ideal.

Also, if it's a lot faster, would this allow us to generate, say, 5000 lineups instead of 500, supposing that the servers aren't taxed by display generation?

Why do I want this?

I often take lineups from Cruncher and import them into my own model to evaluate them against other criteria I've developed, that I can't evaluate for on Cruncher. There is value to me in generating a high number of lineups in a much faster period of time.

Possible? Thoughts?