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Topic: Luck or one of these machines, or both?


Peter O'brien and Franklin Gutierrez and Michael Saunders went off for around 200 points at Fanduel. I looked at the leader at one point and he had all 3. Was this more crazy luck than anything or did he have help? I'm new here did any of you have these 3 in your lineups? Totally off my radar and ended up making all my lineups look stupid! LOL!

a wise man once said...
is it easier to find a needle in a haystack or to find a needle in a box of needles?
you're looking at his high score and seeing players with huge points scored because he was tops in your league. (the box of needles)
yesterday, when you were making your lineup, those players were hiding in a haystack.
did most of the top 10 people in your league have those players? probably not at all.
the top 4 teams that vegas had projected big numbers from last night were houston, boston, toronto, & arizona.
look thru the top 10 people in your league and see how many of them used these 4 teams.
chances are that a few had multiple arizona and toronto players because arizona scored 10 runs and toronto scored 13 runs.
the highest score i've ever gotten on fanduel happened to be last year when i was deciding between 3 pitchers and the one i chose ended up throwing a no hitter. he was only used by 5 percent of anyone in my 100 person league. needless to say, all of those 5 people ended up in the top 10 scores.
someone times you're lucky, sometimes you're good.
the goal is to put out lineups that are good for 50/50's and then try to catch lightning in a bottle (or needles in haystacks) for tournaments.

for more about being more lucky than good, see my post here about the smartest guys in the room...