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Topic: Lineup Calculation Errors


I've had this happen a couple of times in the past week. I upload projections and run lineups based on my projections. When running the lineups once in a while a player's projected amount doesn't match the number in my projected amount for that player. It happened today with the pitcher Duffey. I had 31.44 in my projection, but the amount in the lineup generator said 39.44. When I deleted the number and re-ran the lineups it came up accurately. Really weird and a problem if this happens often...especially since it is not easy to realize it has happened.

Can anyone else let me know if they see a similar issue. I cannot reproduce at the moment, but definitely want to figure out what's going on if it is an actual bug. If you continue to have this happen, please email support and we can work with you to try and determine the cause for this issue.