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Topic: When updates are made post somewhere, why they were changed.


example. i had teague in my line up. i always check before tip off to see any final projections. i see a lot of hawks players projections went up so i know something went down with the hawks. it would be nice if it mentioned "teague is out" somewhere next to the update time stamp or something similar. nothing big but it could save a minute or two.

yeah this really needs to be an option. if you could just post a blurb of who is out. I missed nowitzki getting benched and am kind-of peeved.

I didn't see anything on Dirk until after 7:30 EST. It was too late for me to do anything about it at that point anyway. If I'd had a late night lineup I would have had time. Luckily he was in my worst lineup anyway.

oh okay, if that's the case my apologies. that being said, it would still be nice to have it updated as it goes though. yesterday teague was announced before lock.