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Topic: NASCAR Lineup Builder


Hoping to see a NASCAR lineup builder implemented in the near future. I understand projections would be the difficulty in releasing a feature like this, however, I would be completely fine with just having the salaries and ability to add our own projections for a tool like this. I know this has been discussed in the past with other sports but hasn't garnered much traction. I'm sure a lot of users would be pleased with a user only projection tool for some of the lesser popular sports. Is this a possibility?

Its coming...... soon.

Awesome Dave. This will be gold.

Just wanted to give the FC team a shout out for getting this implemented. Great job.....

I think I saw a post on rotogrinders you had a pretty high finish on DK AshyL4rry. How did you end up?

I ended up getting 2nd in the $20 for 40k.